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How long are your leases?Residential leases are 12 months. We do not offer short term leases, however, we do allow subleasing through our office to qualified applicants.
Do you offer individual leases?No, we do not offer individual leases. Roommates will sign one lease together.
How do I break my lease?We do not break leases. However, we do allow subleasing through our office to qualified applicants.
Do you accept pets?Pet policy varies by property. Give us a call if you have a pet question.
How do I set up utilities?Utilities need to be set up in your name as of the commencement date of your lease (regardless of the day you chose to move in). The utility companies are: Electric- Ameren 800-778- 7852 Gas- Liberty Utilities 855-872- 3242 Water/sewer/trash- City of Kirksville 660-627- 1251 Cable/Internet- Cableone 660-665- 7066 * Phone/Internet- AT&T * You will want to setup service well in advance of your move-in date because they book up early during busy move-in times.
Who do I call if something breaks or needs to be repaired?Please call our office at (660)665-8100 or visit the tenant portal to submit an online maintenance request. Submit a maintenance request online
What do I do if I’m locked out?You can call our office at 660-665- 8100. If someone is available, we will provide you with a key to get in, if not you will need to call a locksmith at your expense. We recommend you keep a spare hidden so this does not happen.
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